Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Only Jack

Conversation during dinner last week:

Jack: Target? You are going to Target after dinner? I want to go.
Me: Ok, you can go with me.
Jack: Is good behavior a requirement on this trip?
Me: (stunned by his appropriate use of the word "requirement") Yes, Jack, yes it is.
Jack: Hmm. Nevermind, I don't want to go to Target.
Me: (stunned silence at his ability to know his limitations)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Recent Jackisms

While driving, I was asking Jack some questions, tyring to prepare him for preschool starting soon.

Me: If your teacher asks you what your name is, what will you tell her?

Jack: Jack!

Me: What if she asks how old you are, what will you tell her?

Jack: Three!

Me: If she asks you what your whole name is, what will you tell her?

Jack: Jackson Todd Don't Make a Mess!


I was in the kitchen cleaning and a heard a noise come from the playroom and then Lucy started crying. I took off running for the playroom and about halfway there, I encountered a running Jack (running from the playroom) yelling, "I AM GOING IN TIME-OUT!!!" I checked on Lucy and then went to ask Jack what he did to her. He told me that he threw a (cardboard) block at her (which is totally unlike him). I asked him why he had done this and he replied, "Because I don't know how to behave nicely!"! Well, he does know how to behave nicely and apparently, he knows when he deserves a time-out!


We were out on the deck looking at the deer in our backyard when Jack looked up in the sky and commented on how the moon was a full circle that night. My face beamed with pride as my son was finally catching on to something that I had been trying to teach him. I immediately started gushing on and on about how smart he is. He replied, "Yeah, I am smart. I know my numbers really well.". The moment of pride I had was sucked out pretty quickly then! Oh, well, numbers, shapes, I guess both are needed for geometry, it just would be helpful to know which is which!


Jack was being a bit exasperating at bedtime one night and I was getting awfully tired of going up to his room every couple of minutes to put him back in bed. After about 20 minutes of this, he started calling for me and I begrudgingly trudged up the stairs again extremely irritated. When I went into his room I asked him what he wanted. He threw his arms around my neck and said, "You are the best Mama in the whole wide world!". Funny how those little words can revive a mama and melt her heart again and again!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Conversation with Jack this morning:

Jack: Mommy, I just heard a reindeer outside!

Me: Really, a reindeer? How do you know it was a reindeer?

Jack: Because it said, "Moo, I am a cow!"

Me: (perplexed silence!)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cupcake Time!

February 16, 2011

On the night of Lucy's first birthday, we stuck with our family's tradition and had cupcakes after dinner.

Jack was thrilled, as he considers frosting a main staple at keeping a toddler alive, Lucy on the other hand was not impressed.
I am sure as she gets older, she will start to love cake just as much as her brother, but for now, it just leaves more for the rest of us!

Happy birthday my sweet girl!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

February 16, 2010

After pictures were over, we started the birthday celebration by going to the zoo. It was a beautiful day and we were glad to spend it both indoors and out.

Both kids loved this tunnel, they must have gone through it a dozen times.

Lucy wanted to be in the exhibits, not just looking at them!

Lucy with one her best goofy faces!

This is her more peaceful smile!

She loved the aquariums!

And, she was full of affection all day long!

We all loved spending Lucy's birthday at the zoo!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lucy is ONE!

February 16, 2011

My baby girl is one! Lucy is the most amazing little baby girl I have ever known, she is so peaceful, so loving, so cuddly, so perfect. The changes that she has brought to our family are fantastic. I have loved seeing the effect that she has on each member of our family. She has even started to tame her wild brother. I will forever feel guilty for her first year being in such chaos around her, but life is calming down, and she has taken it all in stride.

We started the birthday celebration by taking her in for her 12 month photos. It was quite the circus act just getting there! I made the appointment for 9am. I have only left the house prior to 9am a total of 3 times since becoming a mom so this was a challenge! We made it out of the house on time, but halfway there Jay reminded me of the cake that we were supposed to pick up! We turned around, picked up the cake and got back on track. Once we arrived at the photographer's, I realized that I left the bag of outfits at home! We got back in the car, went back home and started all over again! I was exhausted before we ever even started and we were so late that we were getting dangerously close to Lucy's nap time.

I was thrilled with how the pictures turned out. Our little Lucy is such a doll!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Read this!

I bought this book for myself last May. It's awesome. I loved it. I laughed out loud while reading it. I would read a chapter and then call someone to read a few sentences to and laugh with them. I loved reading it so much that I read it in about 2 or 3 days, which says a lot considering at the time I had a 2 year old and a newborn and a house on the market. I wasn't more than a few pages into it before I started to plan out who all I had to lend this book to. You were probably one of them, but as it turned out, only one of you were. I lent it to my sister, who also loved it and also immediately started planning out who all she was going to lend it to. And lend it she did. Or, maybe the right phrase would be that she gave it to someone, as it has not been returned. You see, she lent it to a mom of course, and of course, a mom is busy reading Goodnight Moon and The Very Hungry Catapilliar. Someday she may find some desperatley needed Mommy time and read the book and maybe the book will find it's way back to me and onto you, but I wouldn't count on it. This would depend on the friend finding the time to read it, then finding the time to get it back to my sister, then my sister finding time to mail it back to me, and then me finding the time to mail it on to you. I see way to many holes in that plan, so I would suggest you go to amazon.com like I did and get a copy for yourself! Maybe someday you can lend it to me, as I have Mommy-brain so it would probably be like reading a whole new book!